Mosquito Repellelent Gel 30 gm


Discription :

"Trying to sneak out from mosquitos? Sometimes we have to do this. Cause Mosquitoes are undoubtedly the most irritating flying insects that give us itching bites and a long list of deadly ailments. 
Alata Mosquito Repellent Cream, made with natural oils which effectively protects you from mosquito bites while at the same time providing a soothing effect to the skin. It’s active shield defence against mosquitoes and other insects and keeps you safe for longer. This product doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals like deet. and also a skin-friendly product. Alata Mosquito Repellent Cream is suitable for all age groups including kids.

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How to use: Apply on exposed part of body and rub it.

Product Features:
 This product is made with natural oils.

  •    Alata Mosquito Repellent Cream will effectively protect you from mosquito bites
  •   It can be used in both indoor and outdoor
  •   It provides a soothing effect to the skin
  •   This product doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals like DEET
  •    A Skin-friendly product
  •   Suitable for all age groups including kids
  •    Easy to use"

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